Digital Futures: ‘Posthuman’ Ecologies
The terms “cyborg” and “posthuman” illicit images of a seamless incorporation of technology and humanity. With modern technology becoming increasingly mobile, these science fiction terms are quickly becoming, simply, science. As we continue to incorporate this technology into everyday life, it is important to consider its implications and consequences.
Fields: Artificial Life, AI, Genomics, Nanotechnologies, Robotics
Scholars: Illah Nourbakhsh, Don Ihde, Bernard Steigler, N. Katherine Hayles, Donna Haraway, Kathleen Fitzpatrick
robotfuturesbook: A companion blog for the book Robot Futures by Illah Nourbakhsh
Technology Review (Online journal)
Donna Haraway, “A Cyborg Manifesto”
N. Katherine Hayles, How We Became Posthuman
Kathleen Fitzpatrick, “The digital future of authorship: rethinking originality”